KaeLucKae Gotcha For Gaza

Twitter Account and Organizers

About US and How it Works

KaeLucKae Gotcha for Gaza is a fundraising event made to raise money Palestine in order to support its people in the midst of an ongoing genocide.Creators will sign up as volunteers and donors will submit their prompts alongside proof of their donations through the Google form linked below. Prompts will be assigned to volunteers with their matching preferences.Creator sign up will be open from April 30th to May 13th. Donors can submit their prompts from April 30th.Please read volunteers and prompters guidelines before signing up or donating.

Creators' Guidelines

  • You must be 18 years old or older to join.

  • Creators must join the Discord server where the prompts will be distributed through.

  • NSFW and dead dove are allowed.

  • Writers can write for as little or as much as desired and artists can do for as little as simple sketches and chibis.

  • You may ask to be reassigned with different prompts by DM-ing any of the mods through Discord or Twitter.

  • You must finish your assigned prompts by July, but you're allowed extensions as needed.

Donors' Guidelines

  • You must be 18 years old or older.

  • Whether you will receive an art or a fic is up to the volunteer who received your prompt.

  • Your prompts will be done by creators who share the same preferences and ship dynamic, however you are not allowed to pick which creator(s) to do your prompts for you. This is to ensure that we do not overwork our creators.

Posting Guidelines

  • Both creators and donors are allowed to stay anonymous or to not be tagged if they wish. Anonymous works will be posted by the mods on the creators' behalf. The Google form allows you to choose this option.

  • NSFW and dead dove art must be hidden behind Twitter's sensitive feature and fics must be properly tagged and rated on AO3.

Donation Links

You are free to choose from the list of donation links listed below. Please download or screenshot proof of your donations.